One of the greatest challenges for our government today is water and waste management from both a remediation and quality improvement perspective. Faced with increasing populations demanding higher quality product, we work with state and local bodies who look for innovative techniques and methods to support a sustainable water and waste management plan.
Environmental Intelligence can support the Municipal industry with a variety of solutions in the following areas ranging from eliminating toxins and harmful substances in our water to the reducing odours and gases, including Hydrogen Sulphide, in areas with organic waste.
3Tier products work to achieve these solutions through the use of a special recipe of three distinct yet synergistic components; a blend of activated Polyelectrolyte Enhanced Biopolymers (PEB), an ultra high concentration of live, target-specific, naturally occurring bacteria, and a readily biodegradable natural enzyme product consisting of a package of identifiable enzymes, coenzymes, amino acids and other proteins.
This next generation of bio-remediation products create a triple action solution while providing a unique stimulation to all bio-remediation processes; bio-stimulation, bio-augmentation, and natural attenuation.